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2018년도 대한치과보존학회 춘계학술대회 (제149회)
일시 : 2018년 5월 18일(금) ~ 19일(토)
장소 : 전북 새만금 컨벤션센터


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2018년 5월 18일(금) 12:50~18:00 / 전북 새만금 컨벤션센터

12:30 - 12:50 학회 등록
12:50 - 13:00 개회식
증례 발표Ⅰ
13:00 - 14:30 수복학
1 Restoration of complicated crown-root fractured maxillary anterior tooth by forced eruption VIEW Han-na Na
2 Management of a crown-root fractured maxillary incisor by surgical extrusion with 180º rotation VIEW Jinjoo Han
3 The restoration of fractured maxillary anterior teeth with surgical intervention VIEW Go-Eun Lim
4 Management of crown-root fracture using surgical extrusion VIEW Sung-Joo Kwon
5 An Aesthetic Proposal of Forced Eruption on Maxillary Anterior Tooth Using Clear Buttons and Power Chain VIEW Ga-Yeon Lee
6 Surgical extrusion of a fractured maxillary incisor: consideration of extrusion amount VIEW Minsun Chung
7 Management of crown-root fracture of Premolars VIEW Yong-Min Kim
8 Treatment of horizontally root fractured Maxillary incisors VIEW Ji-Hye Yoon
9 Management of Calcified Root Canals: Pulp Dye Method VIEW Hong Gi Yoon
10 Establishing treatment plan of avulsed tooth with open apex VIEW Juhee Nam
11 Decoronation-treatment option for the traumatized tooth of growing patient VIEW Hyunkyung Yoo
12 The use of mouthguard for an athlete with traumatic injury VIEW Shinae Lee
13 Nonsurgical Root Canal Treatment of Pulp Canal Calcified Tooth Using Guided Endodontics VIEW Changgi Cho
14 Removal of separated instrument from root canal system VIEW Hong-Ki Yeo
14:30 - 14:50 Coffee Break
증례 발표Ⅱ
14:50 - 16:20 수복학
15 A Comprehensive and minimally invasive approach for multiple interdental spaces VIEW EunDam Kim
16 Rehabilitation of non-aesthetic maxillary incisors using veneering techniques VIEW Hye-jin So
17 Walking bleaching on maxillary anterior teeth : evaluation of shade with digital photography VIEW Hyeon Wook Jang
18 Management of white-spot by combination of resin infiltration and other color-masking methods VIEW Sangmi Ahn
19 The Management of Deep Dentin Discoloration and Unaesthetic Gingival Outline using Porcelain Laminate Veneer VIEW So-hyun Park
20 Conservative rehabilitation of anterior edentulous space VIEW Sock Yeon Yoon
21 Diastema closure with direct composite resin with regaining of interdental papilla VIEW E-Deun Jeong
22 Endodontic treatment of maxillary second premolar with Type IV Weine’s root canals VIEW Mintae Kim
23 Treatment of maxillary lateral incisors with palato-radicular groove VIEW Ji-Hye Jang
24 Endodontic therapy of maxillary second molar and mandibular second molar fused with paramolar tubercles diagnosed by cone beam computed tomography VIEW Joo-Hyun Hong
25 Root Canal Treatment of Root Fused Maxillary Molars with Two Palatal Roots VIEW Bae-Young Park
26 Paresthesia of the mental and inferior alveolar nerves induced by periapical infections VIEW Ji Hye Sim
27 Management of maxillary first molar with two palatal canals VIEW Kun-Hwa Sung
28 Root canal treatment of two rooted mandibular canine VIEW Yi-San Kim
16:20 - 16:40 Coffee Break
증례 발표Ⅲ
16:40 - 18:00 수복학
29 Direct occlusal rehabilitation with pre-heated resin and clear index VIEW Joon-Hee Jun
30 Reattachment of tooth fragment with fiber-reinforced composite post on a complicated crown-root fractured maxillary central incisor VIEW Chan-Hyun Lee
31 Restoration of defect extending to subgingival area VIEW Joo Yeong Lee
32 Direct fiber reinforced composite bridge using natural tooth pontic with artificial root VIEW Ye-rim Lee
33 Restoration of a maxillary central incisor with large canal by using individually formed glass fiber post VIEW Huibae Yang
34 Class V Resin Composite Restorations with Photocured Gingival Barrier Technique VIEW Ja Yeon Lee
35 Restoration of proximal contour in direct class II resin composite using a customized separation ring VIEW Se Yeong Han
36 Unfavorable outcome of regenerative endodontic procedures: The boundary between revascularization and MTA apexification VIEW In-Hye Bae
37 Regenerative endodontic treatment of immature necrotic tooth using platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) VIEW Sung-Hyeon Choi
38 Auto-transplantation as a Substitute of failed implant VIEW Seon-hee Han
39 Treatment of tooth with large cyst like periapical lesion by nonsurgical root canal treatment VIEW Sung-Joo Kwon
40 Root amputation of the teeth with vertical root fracture VIEW Bansuk Kim
41 Clinical application of 3D technology for Delayed tooth autotransplantation for large periapical lesion: A case report VIEW Minjoo Park
42 Aesthetic considerations during orthodontic extrusion procedure VIEW Noo-Ri Na
12:30 - 12:50 학회 등록
12:50 - 13:00 개회식
증례 발표Ⅰ
13:00 - 14:30 수복학
1 Restoration of complicated crown-root fractured maxillary anterior tooth by forced eruption VIEW Han-na Na
2 Management of a crown-root fractured maxillary incisor by surgical extrusion with 180º rotation VIEW Jinjoo Han
3 The restoration of fractured maxillary anterior teeth with surgical intervention VIEW Go-Eun Lim
4 Management of crown-root fracture using surgical extrusion VIEW Sung-Joo Kwon
5 An Aesthetic Proposal of Forced Eruption on Maxillary Anterior Tooth Using Clear Buttons and Power Chain VIEW Ga-Yeon Lee
6 Surgical extrusion of a fractured maxillary incisor: consideration of extrusion amount VIEW Minsun Chung
7 Management of crown-root fracture of Premolars VIEW Yong-Min Kim
8 Treatment of horizontally root fractured Maxillary incisors VIEW Ji-Hye Yoon
9 Management of Calcified Root Canals: Pulp Dye Method VIEW Hong Gi Yoon
10 Establishing treatment plan of avulsed tooth with open apex VIEW Juhee Nam
11 Decoronation-treatment option for the traumatized tooth of growing patient VIEW Hyunkyung Yoo
12 The use of mouthguard for an athlete with traumatic injury VIEW Shinae Lee
13 Nonsurgical Root Canal Treatment of Pulp Canal Calcified Tooth Using Guided Endodontics VIEW Changgi Cho
14 Removal of separated instrument from root canal system VIEW Hong-Ki Yeo
14:30 - 14:50 Coffee Break
증례 발표Ⅱ
14:50 - 16:20 수복학
15 A Comprehensive and minimally invasive approach for multiple interdental spaces VIEW EunDam Kim
16 Rehabilitation of non-aesthetic maxillary incisors using veneering techniques VIEW Hye-jin So
17 Walking bleaching on maxillary anterior teeth : evaluation of shade with digital photography VIEW Hyeon Wook Jang
18 Management of white-spot by combination of resin infiltration and other color-masking methods VIEW Sangmi Ahn
19 The Management of Deep Dentin Discoloration and Unaesthetic Gingival Outline using Porcelain Laminate Veneer VIEW So-hyun Park
20 Conservative rehabilitation of anterior edentulous space VIEW Sock Yeon Yoon
21 Diastema closure with direct composite resin with regaining of interdental papilla VIEW E-Deun Jeong
22 Endodontic treatment of maxillary second premolar with Type IV Weine’s root canals VIEW Mintae Kim
23 Treatment of maxillary lateral incisors with palato-radicular groove VIEW Ji-Hye Jang
24 Endodontic therapy of maxillary second molar and mandibular second molar fused with paramolar tubercles diagnosed by cone beam computed tomography VIEW Joo-Hyun Hong
25 Root Canal Treatment of Root Fused Maxillary Molars with Two Palatal Roots VIEW Bae-Young Park
26 Paresthesia of the mental and inferior alveolar nerves induced by periapical infections VIEW Ji Hye Sim
27 Management of maxillary first molar with two palatal canals VIEW Kun-Hwa Sung
28 Root canal treatment of two rooted mandibular canine VIEW Yi-San Kim
16:20 - 16:40 Coffee Break
증례 발표Ⅲ
16:40 - 18:00 수복학
29 Direct occlusal rehabilitation with pre-heated resin and clear index VIEW Joon-Hee Jun
30 Reattachment of tooth fragment with fiber-reinforced composite post on a complicated crown-root fractured maxillary central incisor VIEW Chan-Hyun Lee
31 Restoration of defect extending to subgingival area VIEW Joo Yeong Lee
32 Direct fiber reinforced composite bridge using natural tooth pontic with artificial root VIEW Ye-rim Lee
33 Restoration of a maxillary central incisor with large canal by using individually formed glass fiber post VIEW Huibae Yang
34 Class V Resin Composite Restorations with Photocured Gingival Barrier Technique VIEW Ja Yeon Lee
35 Restoration of proximal contour in direct class II resin composite using a customized separation ring VIEW Se Yeong Han
36 Unfavorable outcome of regenerative endodontic procedures: The boundary between revascularization and MTA apexification VIEW In-Hye Bae
37 Regenerative endodontic treatment of immature necrotic tooth using platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) VIEW Sung-Hyeon Choi
38 Auto-transplantation as a Substitute of failed implant VIEW Seon-hee Han
39 Treatment of tooth with large cyst like periapical lesion by nonsurgical root canal treatment VIEW Sung-Joo Kwon
40 Root amputation of the teeth with vertical root fracture VIEW Bansuk Kim
41 Clinical application of 3D technology for Delayed tooth autotransplantation for large periapical lesion: A case report VIEW Minjoo Park
42 Aesthetic considerations during orthodontic extrusion procedure VIEW Noo-Ri Na

서울특별시 종로구 대학로 101(연건동, 서울대학교치과병원 B163) 대한치과보존학회

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